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What is lock bumping?

Published 7.6.2018 in the Blog.

Often leaving little evidence that the lock has been attacked, lock bumping is one of the worse ways in which a lock can be breached and can result in some insurance companies refusing to pay out.

Criminals will place a ‘bump key’ into the lock and strike it with a heavy object, which causes the pins in the cylinder to vibrate up and down. This eventually tricks them into opening.



An effective way to be protected from this form of lock breaking technique is to make sure your door cylinder incorporates an anti-bump system.

Many new cylinders have anti-bump features built into them; however, there are still a lot of homes that rely on cheaper budget cylinders which have little or no protection!

It’s vital to check that your cylinder incorporates added security features.

UAP high security cylinders have been designed and tested to defend against criminals attempting to break in to your home using this common lock breaking technique.

1 star and 3 star kitemarked cylinders from UAP feature a patented anti-bump timing pin system designed to interrupt the timing of the pins when bumped and protect your home against this method of attack.

You can view more information about UAP cylinders on Quality Locks. With Securedby Design approved anti-bump and anti-snap locks, Quality Locks have high quality locks designed to keep your home secure.

View the range here.