Latest News UAP Maximises Security with New IONIC Smart Lock Feature

UAP Maximises Security with New IONIC Smart Lock Feature

Published on 31 May, 2024

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In the ever-evolving landscape of smart home security, UAP has set a new benchmark with the introduction of a groundbreaking feature in their IONIC electronic door lock. This latest innovation, launched under the Fullex-ai brand, distinguishes the IONIC as the first electronic door lock capable of detecting various forms of attack, thanks to its patented haptic technology. In this blog post, we’ll explore how the IONIC smart lock is redefining home security.

Advanced Threat Detection with Haptic Technology
The core of the IONIC’s new feature lies in its advanced haptic technology. This technology leverages sophisticated sensors to detect heat and vibrations, allowing the lock to identify and respond to different forms of attacks. Here’s how it works:

Vibration Detection: If someone attempts to kick the door or use a drill on the lock, the sensors will detect these vibrations.

Heat Detection: The technology can sense abnormal heat levels, sending an alert if a blow torch is used or if there’s a fire near the door.

Unauthorised Access Attempts: Any attempt to access the door without using the IONIC App or the key fob triggers an immediate notification to the homeowner’s smartphone.

Instant Alerts for Enhanced Security
One of the standout features of the IONIC lock is its ability to send real-time alerts to homeowners. Whether it’s an attempted break-in or a potential fire hazard, the lock ensures you’re informed immediately, allowing for a swift response. This level of proactive security is a significant leap forward, providing homeowners with peace of mind.

Seamless Integration and User-Friendly Setup
The IONIC lock is designed with both fabricators and end-users in mind. Its installation process mirrors that of the Fullex Autolock, requiring no complex wiring. Here are some of the key aspects of its user-friendly setup:

Integrated Power Supply: Unlike many electronic locks, the IONIC features an integrated power supply with wireless charging capabilities.

Wireless Connectivity: A wireless unit fits easily into the door frame, connecting to a control unit that powers the lock.

Easy User Management: Through the IONIC App, homeowners can effortlessly set up new users, configure access times, and manage one-time access for service providers.

Customsation and Aesthetic Appeal
Understanding that security shouldn’t compromise style, UAP offers the IONIC lock in a variety of finishes, including anthracite grey, chrome, and white. It can be paired with rose handles to match contemporary interior designs or installed with classic door handles for a more traditional look. This flexibility ensures that the IONIC can seamlessly integrate into any home décor.

A New Era of Smart Security
David Jennings, CEO of UAP, highlights the significance of this innovation: “We developed the IONIC’s haptic technology based on customer feedback which signaled a growing demand for more robust security covering all eventualities. Although most electronic locks provide a very safe option, there are still vulnerabilities, which we have resolved with this new feature. Homeowners can now benefit from an unrivaled electronic lock that is always on guard.”

The IONIC electronic door lock, launched in 2023 after four years of intensive research and development, is a testament to UAP’s commitment to advancing home security. With its advanced haptic technology, real-time alerts, seamless installation, and stylish design options, the IONIC sets a new standard for smart locks. Stay ahead of the curve and ensure your home is protected with the cutting-edge security features of the IONIC electronic lock.

Stay tuned to our blog for more updates on innovative smart home security solutions and tips on safeguarding your home.

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